02 August 2011


It's amazing to me how a simple little thing, a blog post, can be so incredibly difficult to accomplish. It sounds easy enough to say, "I'm going to blog at least once a week this month".... False. I think it even sounds reasonable to say "I will post once this month". Yeah right. For some reason I have the ability to say things like this and then ignore it completely.

I have awesome excuses though! Check them out:

1) I'm exhausted... I have an almost 9 month old baby.
2) Ms. Bug has been exceptionally needy today and won't leave my keyboard alone.
3) She doesn't nap long enough for me to type something witty and interesting. Heck, she doesn't even nap long enough for me to think "I don't have anything witty or interesting to say"...
4) I completely forgot... I'll remember tomorrow! (I can't even remember to call back my best friend an hour after I told her I'd call her back!...)

There are about a million more excuses I could come up with, given a few extra minutes... but you get the gist. All in all, these excuses should add up to one glaring answer: I just didn't want to commit to doing what I said I would do.

Isn't that HORRIBLE! I commit to many things on a daily basis. I commit to waking up when lil' miss cries. I commit to taking care of the dog, the baby, and the husband each and every day. I commit to washing laundry a couple of times a week. I commit to taking baby to the potty countless times a day. And I guess you could say that I commit to dawdling and piddling away a good few hours each and everyday on multiple social sites, forums, and YouTube (iPhone is a blessing and a curse).

In order to make a commitment, I think you have to have more than an urge to do something. I think you have to have resolve. I don't mean the carpet spot cleaner. It also helps to put something in writing and have someone hold you accountable. What better to write down a commitment than in a blog post! And what's better than having anyone who reads this help to be an accountability buddy?

Ok, if you've stuck with me thus far, thank you. I promise I've got a point. I'm going to commit to posting something every week during the month of August. I can't guarantee that each post will be witty or interesting, after all I spend 24/7 caring for my baby and husband, but there will be something. Hopefully.

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