11 August 2010

Crazy Wild Life!

Wow! What a whirlwind of events! Life is just simply blowing my mind right now!

We moved into our new apartment about 9 days ago...and while we still have a sea of boxes to wade through in what will soon be the baby's room, we're making definite head-way! Prince is most assuredly pleased with his new dwelling and really enjoys having a big sliding glass door he can stare out for hours at a time! He's also extremely full of himself, what with all the extra room to run around! Even though he's past the 10 year mark, he acted like he was 10 months old the day we moved in!

When we left PA last fall to move to OR, we downsized drastically. We rid ourselves of much that wouldn't do anyone any good being packed up in boxes for who knew how long (at the time!).  I had a garage sale that much to my dismay didn't go well... I used to work in retail and actually had the garage set up like a little boutique (totally made me happy!), but I think it intimidated many "yard salers"... So much of the stuff we opted to not keep ended up going to family, friends, and the Chambersburg Goodwill. I'm just glad that people can use the things instead of us having to sort through what is wanted vs. un-wanted at this point!

This past week, we took the gift card that my two aunts and grandmother gave us at the Baby Shower to go and get the travel system from Babies R Us! We had a coupon for 20% off any one item in the store that didn't exclude the system we wanted, so rest assured I JUMPED all over that! We ended up saving $40 on that thing! YAY us! My mom also shipped us the wonderful gifts that I received at the Baby Shower that was thrown for Baby Murphy back in Texas. It was too much fun getting to unpack everything and remember who gave the kid what and hang up the little clothes (even if I have yet to wash them... that's coming though) and put the books on the closet shelf! It's almost surreal... no, it is definitely surreal... to think in just a few short months (less than 3 now!) there is going to be a new addition to this little Murphy family! Crazy!

Speaking of Crazy and New Additions... We've been trying to get the RV sorted out for sale.  Cleaning and a few small repairs were in order before we could post it on craigslist.org (p.s. who doesn't love craigslist.org!). Before Jarred begin the listing, he looked through the auto section to see what all was going on out there.  He ran across the most crazy posting ever! A LITTLE BACK STORY INSERTED HERE:  When driving across the country a month or so ago, we discussed at some point (4-5 years down the road) getting a Chevy Tahoe. I love the look of them, Jarred wanted an SUV that was a 4x4 that he could play with and possibly put a diesel engine in... But we both agreed that since we've got 2 cars that are paid for, we'd wait until the right time came along. BACK TO THE ORIGINAL STORY: This posting was for a 2001 Chevy Tahoe. Jarred is clicking through the ad and at the bottom the lister states "Willing to Trade for RV"


Jarred ran to get me so I could look at the posting. I had to laugh at it, there was no way that someone out there wanted what we had AND was willing to trade us for something we wanted! So I said to Jarred, "that's pretty incredible! If you want to go for it, send the guy a message!" Fast forward to the next day, Jarred gets up and lets me know that plans for the day had changed. (We were supposed to be in Reading at 10:30am for the cable guy to hook up our plan.) I was to go back to the apartment with the dog. Jarred was going to finish working on the RV and drive it up to Reading later that afternoon, and this guy was going to bring the Tahoe to the airport so we could all check each other's vehicles out and see if we wanted to do an even trade. An hour and a half later, Jarred and this guy come back from the tag agency and we now officially own a 2001 Chevy Tahoe and that guy owns a whole pile of headaches!

Tell me that's not totally crazy!!!

Plus, after all the trading vehicles business, we headed over to another craigslist poster's home to check out a dining room table! I loved it, Jarred loved it, we bought it, tossed it in the back of the Excursion and headed home... New (to us) table! New (to us) Tahoe! CRAZY WILD LIFE!


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