08 September 2010

Major Pain Part 2 (Technically Part 3...)

I haven't really posted in a while... how completely normal for me! However, given my current facebook update, I figured I'd better at least explain what happened so people don't think that I was dying or something....even if it felt that way.

Last night started out rather normal. Hanging out with Jarred and Prince while eating supper and watching some TV. At some point, I fell asleep on the love seat (a completely normal thing for me to do) while we were watching the New Karate Kid. I don't know how long I was asleep for before the pain in my back began, but it kicked in around 10:30 or so.

Just like last time, I went to bed thinking I could reposition and make it better. After 10 minutes of flopping around, making my heartburn worse, I opted to get some milk for the heartburn and Tylenol for the back ache. The only thing that changed was the intensity of my pain and the pain was radiating forward to my stomach. I felt like my stomach was going to explode. No joke.

So I'm laid out in the bedroom floor, thinking that at least if I need to get up from here, I can crawl, and Jarred pops in asking if I'm ok. Well, I'm not ok, but there isn't anything he can do to help, so I tell him I'll holler for him if I need him. Then something hits me... maybe I need to go to the bathroom. So I go, and give that a try... Well, that changed something because as soon as I got off the toilet, I needed to vomit right away... Jarred rushed in as I was trying to "re-position" to a vomit stance and said "go to the other bathroom!"

I barely made it. Wow. For only having eaten about 3 ounces of chicken and half a cup of green beans, a whole lot came back. Finally, after the giving back of all things I never wanted to see again from that angle, I started to feel better.

Bless Jarred's heart. He was right there with me the whole time. I made a HUGE mess and went to start cleaning it up. He wouldn't allow it. He wanted me to rest, after getting cleaned up of course! So I followed my marching orders and finally headed to bed.

I've been reading a little bit on the internet and found a few things. These things sound logical to me but I'm going to ask my OB today when I see her. Some of the information I found was that in the 3rd trimester your hormones are changing, yet again, and that change can cause nausea/vomiting. Ok... I'll buy that, but I've noticed that I only puke when I'm having, what I can only describe as, back labor pains. I'm not really sure if an influx of hormones is causing the back pain, or what, but I do know that's the only time I end up puking.

I also don't think I'm in early labor by any means. Each site I check out has mentioned that the tightening of your uterus/stomach will be very irregular (i.e. 10 minutes, 4 minutes, 17 minutes, etc). I also don't think I'm in false labor; The sites have mentioned that if you can drink some water or juice, switch positions and the contractions ease up, you're probably in false labor. Well, last night, the pain only intensified over the 45-50 minute span of agony, so I don't think I meet the criteria for either of those. But once we see the doctor today, I'll hopefully have a clear idea of what is going on and if there is anything I can do to ease the symptoms.

Ok....Now that I've officially bored anyone who has chosen to read this, I'm going to wrap it up. OH! I almost forgot, this is actually the third time I've gone through this, not second. First time was August 12, second time was August 27, third was last night, September 7. The second time was rough, but not nearly as rough as the first and third.

Ok, now I'm done! Wish me luck on my appointment today and pray the doctor can give me some good advice!



  1. Good luck today! My morning sickness returned during my 3rd trimester and I was in pro dromal labor starting at 35 weeks until I had her at 38 weeks. It felt like the actual thing and I was progressing...only too slowly for actual labor. God has made each baby with a unique personality that DEFINITELY shows itself in utero. Maybe Baby Murphy is just trying to tell you that he/she wishes he/she was on the other side of the country...

  2. Man, girl! I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with this. I hope that your OB will have some good advice for you.
