09 February 2010

Coffee Conundrum

I didn't really think it was possible. I never believed I could do such a thing. But it happened. And there was nothing I could do to fix it once the damage was done.

I made a ... dun duh dun!... Bad Pot of Coffee!!! I'm so ashamed! How could I, Lindsey, lover of strong, good Coffee, make such a detrimental mistake? Well, actually I know exactly how it happened. While getting ready for church two days ago, I blew the breaker... Apparently you cannot run a hair dryer AND the coffee pot at the same time...

Once the breaker flipped off, I was forced to cycle said breaker. However, I managed to blow the breaker AGAIN! Ugh! That Sunday morning was not my morning! This time, instead of just flipping the breaker inside, I had to go out to the meter and check the breaker in the box there.

*Sigh* The coffee pot wasn't finished with my coffee throughout all the breakers blowing and the pot being turned off and on... Finally I was able to let the pot complete the cycle, but it was too late. The coffee pot was so confused, I messed with it's timing and what have you... But by the time I realized the coffee was weak and no good, it was too late. We were already in the car and on our way to church.

Fortunatly, I was able to rectify the situation yesterday morning and this morning. I'm not totally incapable of making a delicious cup of coffee! Yay me! I realize that every now and again I'm bound to make a weak, bad pot of coffee, but there is going to always be a chance to give it another go (unless the Rapture comes before the pot is finished!)

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