04 February 2010

My Beloved Coffee!

Ahh my beloved coffee, how did I ever survive without you?
Your delicious caffine gives my body what it craves.
If I were to be stuck on an island and was only permitted two things that I could bring, it would be my bible and you, oh glorious coffee!

I have to say that I've spent most of my life boycotting coffee until my darling mother-in-love and father-in-love persuaded me to try it. The first time I tried coffee it was HORRIBLE! I looked at Brenda and with a very sour looking face said "I always wondered what used tires tasted like...". Of course, Brenda fell out laughing. Several days later they persuaded me to try coffee again, only this time they would put a lot more sugar in it. This turned out to be the beginning of the end for me. Now I'm practically incompetent without my coffee!

However, because my darling mother-in-love is the one who taught me to drink the coffee, I'm virtually incapable of drinking it any other way than I learned. i.e. She and Matt prefer very strong coffee. Therefore, I learned to drink very strong coffee. Which then comes to the problem that must be mentioned: I CAN'T drink weak coffee! Anything less than black oil is just TERRIBLE!

Alas, I sometimes must drink less than fabulous coffee, and I must do so graciously. I'm not really sure how Brenda and I can drink the same coffee (made by someone else) and both have completely different views of it! CRAZINESS! Oh well, time to ease my way down from my caffine high!

Ok, bye all!

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