11 January 2010


Well, it is now Monday and my last post was on Friday... so much for trying to post "everyday". Perhaps I will resolve to just post as frequently as I feel the call. Yes, that sounds good. We'll go with that.

The weekend was rather boring, if I could be so bold... I think I prefer the weekdays to the weekend... And that's not just because I'm not working, but I preferred the weekdays even when I had a job... I think I prefer the routine that the "everyday" has for me. During the weekends I tend to sit around doing nothing in particular. Weekdays have task that I at least must accomplish. I suppose I could really use a job, but then again I'm not going to try and ruin a pretty good thing just yet.

Saturday, Jarred and I sat in our respective places, Jarred on the couch, I in my chair. Jarred was glued to the computer/TV for most of the morning, while I was busily tending to my knitting project. At one point Jarred asked me what we were going to do besides just sit around watching the TV... I took this as an invitation to get out of the pj's and prepare to venture out into the world. Apparently the world stops 3 feet outside the awning on our RV... I guess we live in bubble land... I'm still perplexed as to why I put jeans on to visit my awning... Alas, I shall just have to move on..

Sunday was by and far more interesting. Church was good (it's nice to be able to be home daily and do my own thing, but there is a relational side of me that wants to hang out with people my own age) and then we attended "Discovering Northside". That was basically an hour long opportunity to get to know the different ministries offered at Northside and is required for membership; I'm glad we went and I suppose at the next business meeting the congregation will decide on our membership. We were invited over to one of the couple's home to help with wedding invites and spent a few hours fulfilling that "relational" need I had been craving.

Wow. I just re-read that and realized just how boring my life has truly become. Hmm. Perhaps a job should be in order...

That's about it for now... See ya later!

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