08 January 2010

Scripture Memory Verse 1

Well, I am back again today! It'll be truly shocking to see if I can post at least once everyday this year, however, I may not make it past this week! Haha! Oh well, I'll still give it a shot!

When I lived back in PA I taught 1st-3rd grade Sunday School. One of the most driven concepts in my church was scripture memorization. When I began teaching, it shocked me to find that out of 9 children, not a single one could repeat any of the scripture they "memorized" throughout the year; they couldn't even tell me what scripture they learned just 6 days earlier!

I knew for me that in order to commit something to memory I needed some major repetition. I decided to test out what worked for me on these 9 kids. I picked out 10 Bible verses. From week 1 to week 5 they memorized the first verse. By the third week the kids were shouting to me their Scripture and could tell me what it meant to them! It was amazing to me! They now had a piece of God's Word written on their heart and mind! By the time the year was over the indeed knew 10 Scriptures and knew them so well that they were sharing them with the other members of our church. They had more scripture memorized than half the adults!

I believe that memorizing Scripture is key in our fight against the enemy. The Word of God is the only offensive we have against any attack. So, I will be memorizing 24 verses this year. I'll try to post my new Scripture on the 1st and 15th of each month. Obviously I've missed a week thus far, however, I'll just have to work that much harder this week to ensure I know my first verse.

Verse 1:

"HE will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is the key to this." Isaiah 33:6 NIV

In the uncertain times we are living in today, this brings such comfort to me. I know that my Redeemer is unshakable, unbreakable, a solid rock, a sturdy foundation for me and my life.

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